How To Document Evidence at the Scene of a Car Accident

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How To Document Evidence at the Scene of a Car Accident

Preserving evidence from the scene of a car accident is one of the most important things injured victims can do to protect their future personal injury claims.


  • Collecting evidence after a car accident is essential to building a personal injury claim to recover compensation for damages. Car accident evidence helps with establishing liability and safeguarding rights.
  • Document the accident scene with photos, seek prompt medical attention, contact the police, take notes, and gather witness information immediately after the crash.
  • Detailed medical records are essential for substantiating injury claims and proving eligibility for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits.
  • Consulting with experienced personal injury lawyers, like those at Sand Law PLLC, can help injured car accident victims secure fair compensation in negotiations with insurance companies.

Being involved in a car accident can be an incredibly distressing and shocking experience. Even minor accidents can leave you feeling rattled and upset, especially when another driver is responsible. It’s crucial to document the accident scene promptly, particularly if you are injured or your car is damaged. This evidence will be vital for filing insurance claims later.

There are several essential steps to document an accident scene. It is important to follow them to document all relevant evidence after a car crash, or else you risk limiting your potential compensation.

At Sand Law PLLC, our North Dakota car accident attorneys are prepared to leverage the evidence you have preserved along with the results of our own investigation to negotiate a fair settlement for you. To schedule a free consultation with us, give our team a call at (701) 394-4415 or submit this contact form.

The Importance of Documenting Evidence After a Car Accident

Documenting evidence after a car accident is more than just a procedural step. It’s a critical action that can significantly impact the outcome of your insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Ensuring you have accurate and detailed records can make all the difference in establishing liability and safeguarding your rights.

Establishing Liability

Although North Dakota operates under a “no-fault” insurance system, this primarily means that your own insurance policy initially covers some of the damages. It does not imply that no one is responsible for the auto accident.

If the other driver’s reckless or negligent behavior caused the crash, having concrete evidence can prove their liability. This may help you avoid penalties, increased insurance premiums, and traffic tickets.

Additionally, if your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) auto insurance doesn’t cover all your expenses, documented evidence can support a successful compensation claim.

Preserving Critical Information

During the chaotic moments following a North Dakota auto accident, adrenaline and shock can cloud your perception, making it difficult to recall specific details. You may also lack a complete picture of what the other driver was doing at the time.

Even if you believe the car accident was your fault (a conclusion you should never voice at the scene before any investigation), detailed documentation can uncover other contributing factors.

North Dakota is a comparative negligence state, so you may still recover compensation even if you share fault. Evidence from the car accident scene offers a factual record that can be invaluable in the days following the crash when memories can fade or become distorted.

Furthermore, if there’s any disagreement about who is at fault—such as claims that you were texting or made an improper turn—having thorough documentation can clarify the facts. Without it, your case might boil down to a contest of conflicting testimonies.

Because You Need It to Make a Claim

Whether you are seeking Personal Injury Protection benefits or additional compensation from the other party’s insurance company for your injuries, you’ll need to prove that your injuries were severe, that medical treatment was necessary, and that the property damage and injuries resulted from the other driver’s negligence.

Proving this requires substantial evidence to ensure your car accident claim is taken seriously and accurately valued.

If you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver’s insurance company because they refuse to compensate you fully, you and your personal injury attorney will need to establish four key elements before a judge or jury:

1. The at-fault driver owed you a duty of care (to drive responsibly).

2. The driver breached this duty (by not driving responsibly).

3. Their actions directly caused your injuries.

4. You suffered damages as a result.

To substantiate points 2, 3, and 4, you’ll need robust evidence such as crash photos, journal entries detailing your pain, hospital bills, and more.

How to Document Evidence After a Crash

After a motor vehicle accident, gathering thorough and accurate evidence is essential to support your claims and protect your rights. Proper documentation can make a significant difference in how your case is handled by insurance companies and potentially in court.

Here are some key steps to ensure you effectively document the scene and related details.

Documenting At the Scene of a Car Accident

It’s critical to start gathering evidence immediately after a crash while details are fresh and conditions remain unchanged. This initial effort to document evidence after a car accident can provide valuable insights and support your claims later on.

Here are several steps you should take to ensure comprehensive evidence collection at the scene.

1. Capture Photos and Videos

One of the most crucial steps you can take is to use your phone to record the scene. Snap photos and shoot videos from various angles, including both close-ups and wide shots of the vehicles involved.

Capture images of your initial injuries if they’re visible. Document the traffic, road, and weather conditions at the time of the incident. Include any relevant details in these visual records.

2. Contact the Police

Always call the police after a collision, regardless of whether the other party insists it’s unnecessary. The police can create an official report that will be invaluable later on.

This ND police crash report will contain important information such as statements and a preliminary assessment of fault.

3. Take Notes

Use your phone to record your recollections of the event and any pertinent details. This will help ensure that the information is not forgotten.

Note the other driver’s name, phone number, license plate, and insurance details. Also, write down your immediate feelings and experiences for future reference.

4. Collect Witness Information

If there are witnesses present, ask for their contact details. If they are willing, request that they provide a statement about what they observed.

Documenting After Leaving the Scene of Accident

Once you’ve left the accident scene, it’s essential to continue gathering evidence and taking the necessary steps to support your personal injury claim.

Proper documentation can significantly impact your ability to receive fair compensation for your injuries and personal injury damages. Here are some critical actions to take after you leave the scene.

Get a Medical Examination

Seeking medical attention promptly after an accident is crucial, regardless of whether you feel injured. There are several reasons for this. First, the stress from the incident might temporarily mask the severity of your injuries.

You might feel fine driving home but later experience symptoms like a severe headache or neck pain that require medical attention. Additionally, some injuries—such as head trauma, internal bleeding, or herniated disks—may not manifest immediately and can take hours or even days to become apparent.

Consequences of Delaying Medical Treatment

Delaying medical treatment risks your health and can undermine any future claims for compensation. To be eligible for PIP benefits, you must receive medical care within 14 days of the accident. Failing to do so may render you ineligible for coverage.

Moreover, if you wait too long to seek medical care and then file a claim for injury compensation, both the insurance company and any legal authority might view the delay as a reason to deny damages. You should expect an insurance adjuster to push back and argue that another event caused your injuries or that your injuries were not initially severe.

Therefore, do not hesitate. Ensure a medical professional documents your injuries immediately.

Keep All Relevant Medical Records

Maintaining detailed medical records after a car accident is vital for both your health and any legal or insurance claims you may pursue. Start by keeping copies of all medical reports, test results, treatment plans, and prescriptions.

Each document serves as evidence of the extent and severity of your car accident injuries, as well as the necessity of the treatments you received. Make sure you also retain receipts for all medical expenses, including medications, physical therapy, and any other related costs.

Additionally, keep a personal journal documenting your symptoms, pain levels, and how your injuries impact your daily life. This can provide valuable context to medical records and demonstrate the ongoing effects of the accident on your well-being.

The Value of Medical Evidence in a Car Accident Claim

These medical records are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they substantiate your injury claims, showing that you sought and received medical care, which is pivotal for Personal Injury Protection benefits.

Secondly, comprehensive records make it easier to claim compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company. They provide undeniable proof that your injuries were a direct result of the accident, and not due to pre-existing conditions or incidents that occurred afterward.

Lastly, thorough documentation can help expedite the claims process and improve your chances of achieving a fair settlement or favorable court decision, should your case proceed to litigation.

Work With Sand Law’s Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers

After documenting all relevant evidence following a car accident, consulting with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in North Dakota is a critical next step. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the complexities of insurance claims and legal processes, ensuring that you are adequately compensated for your injuries and damages.

As ND personal injury lawyers, our team at Sand Law PLLC understands the nuances of personal injury law and can provide invaluable guidance on how to maximize your claim.

Our skilled car accident lawyers can also handle communications with insurance companies, alleviating the stress and confusion of dealing with adjusters who may not have your best interests in mind.

By working with an expert, you increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement and protecting your rights throughout the process. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, don’t hesitate to seek professional legal advice.

At Sand Law PLLC, our experienced North Dakota personal injury attorneys are ready to assist you. Take action today by calling us at (701) 394-4415 or submitting this contact form to schedule a consultation. Let us help you achieve the justice and compensation you deserve.

Article Written or reviewed by:

Attorney-Bill Sand

Bill Sand

William Sand is a founding partner and lawyer at Sand Law PLLC who focuses on criminal defense and personal injury. Bill has over 12 years of experience representing clients in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Lawyer & Managing Partner at Sand Law