Tips for Vulnerable Road Users in North Dakota

Road users like pedestrians and cyclists can take an active role in protecting their own safety by following these guidelines. Summary Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists must take precautions to avoid accidents with North Dakota drivers. To stay safe, VRUs should wear bright or reflective clothing, avoid distractions like phones, and abstain from alcohol or drugs when on the road. Bicyclists and motorcyclists should wear helmets and protective clothing to reduce injury risk. Following traffic laws, signaling turns, using sidewalks or bike lanes, and avoiding impulsive maneuvers can help prevent accidents. Although North Dakota drivers are responsible for yielding the right of way to more vulnerable road users like bicyclists and pedestrians, that does not mean these road users are exempt from their duty to try and avoid accidents. Following these safety tips can help vulnerable road users reduce their risk of sustaining catastrophic injuries and their potential liability in a personal injury claim. Unfortunately, the actions of reckless North Dakota drivers can still cause pedestrian accidents, bicycle collisions, and motorcycle crashes, even when vulnerable road users are cautious. At Sand Law PLLC, we are all too familiar with the harsh consequences of collisions between motorists...

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Driver negligence, as well as environmental conditions, are often factors in North Dakota bicycle accidents. Summary Bicyclists experience certain risk factors that increase the chances of bicycle accidents. Knowing what can cause a bicycle accident can help prevent a collision. The cause of your bicycle accident can affect your bicycle accident injury claim. A bicycle accident has the potential to cause severe injuries that inflict lifelong disabilities or even death. In order to better help prevent these collisions from occurring it is integral that both motorists and bicyclists have an understanding of major risk factors and causes of bicycle accidents. If you or a loved one have been involved in a bicycle accident with a car, truck, or other motor vehicle then contact the North Dakota bicycle accident attorneys of Sand Law about seeking compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Damages related to your injuries such as medical expenses, lost wages, and mental anguish can be covered by a bicycle accident settlement. To contact Sand Law about filing a bicycle accident lawsuit or claim, call our office at (701) 394-4744 or fill out a form on our contact page. Factors That Contribute to Increased Bicycle Accident Risk Bicycle accident injury...

I Was Involved in a Bicycle Accident. Now What?

In 2019 there were a total of 843 fatalities because of bicycle accidents. Males 20 years and older were the largest group to be affected, with 77% of the fatalities (652). On top of that, there are blank people injured from bicycle accidents every year. These injuries can range from mild to life-threatening, including whiplash, soft tissue injuries, broken bones, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and more. If you were involved in a bicycle accident, you might be concerned about what steps to take next. The process of filing a lawsuit can be confusing to those who haven't experienced it before, but a talented attorney will help walk you through the process. Before you hire an attorney, here are some steps you should take to improve your case. Here's what you need to do after a bike accident. After your  bicycle accident, you may be flustered, stressed, and in pain. If you've never been in a bike accident before, you may not know what to do. If you've been involved in a bicycle accident, here are the steps that you should take. Following these steps can help to build your lawsuit before it's even started. If you require immediate...