Tips for Vulnerable Road Users in North Dakota

Road users like pedestrians and cyclists can take an active role in protecting their own safety by following these guidelines. Summary Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists must take precautions to avoid accidents with North Dakota drivers. To stay safe, VRUs should wear bright or reflective clothing, avoid distractions like phones, and abstain from alcohol or drugs when on the road. Bicyclists and motorcyclists should wear helmets and protective clothing to reduce injury risk. Following traffic laws, signaling turns, using sidewalks or bike lanes, and avoiding impulsive maneuvers can help prevent accidents. Although North Dakota drivers are responsible for yielding the right of way to more vulnerable road users like bicyclists and pedestrians, that does not mean these road users are exempt from their duty to try and avoid accidents. Following these safety tips can help vulnerable road users reduce their risk of sustaining catastrophic injuries and their potential liability in a personal injury claim. Unfortunately, the actions of reckless North Dakota drivers can still cause pedestrian accidents, bicycle collisions, and motorcycle crashes, even when vulnerable road users are cautious. At Sand Law PLLC, we are all too familiar with the harsh consequences of collisions between motorists...

Motorcyclists, Bicyclists, and Pedestrians are the Most Vulnerable Road Users

What is a Vulnerable Road User? A vulnerable road user is a person on the road that isn't behind the wheel of a car or truck. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, roller skaters, and skateboarders (and more). They are classified as vulnerable because of the lack of protection they have compared to a passenger vehicle or larger commercial vehicle. Vulnerable road users are more likely to get into accidents that result in serious injury or fatality because of this lack of protection. They are also considered vulnerable because road infrastructure is made to benefit drivers and not pedestrians or cyclists. The infrastructure in place for vulnerable road users isn't as good, leading to more accidents and injuries. Vulnerable Road User Statistics in North Dakota When compared to other states, North Dakota is generally a pretty safe place for vulnerable road users. However, that doesn't mean that accidents don't occur. In 2019 14,221 total motor vehicle accidents resulted in 4,258 injuries and 100 fatalities. Out of those 100 fatalities: 25% were car occupants 40% were pickup truck and SUV occupants 3% were large truck occupants 11% were motorcyclists 5% were pedestrians 2% were cyclists That means that 19% of the fatalities...

What are the Most Common Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents?

In North Dakota, you may be able to receive compensation if you've been struck by a passenger vehicle or commercial truck as a pedestrian. Our talented attorneys here at Sand Law will be able to negotiate a high settlement offer on your behalf, taking the weight off of your shoulders. At the same time, you focus on relaxing and recovering from your injuries. Statistics on Pedestrian Accidents in North Dakota In 2017 there were 5,977 pedestrian fatalities because of traffic accidents in the United States. On top of that, 137,000 pedestrians had injuries treated in emergency rooms in the same year. In the United States, there's an average of 1.75 pedestrian accident fatalities per 100,000 people. In North Dakota, there are .92 pedestrian accident fatalities per 100,000 people. Pedestrian accidents can be deadly and are almost always the fault of a driver. If you're a pedestrian, make sure you're taking proper safety precautions when walking near traffic. Common Pedestrian Accident Scenarios Pedestrian safety is something you should absolutely learn about if you're commonly walking alongside traffic. Learning about how to stay safe while walking can decrease your risk of an accident by a large percent. Pedestrian safety courses will teach...